How can we weather this storm together? Is there a service I provide that can serve you? Click here to schedule a phone call.
Like many of you, I have been through terrible times in my life. I lost my mom when I was 11 years old. We were poor before then and much more after that.
As an adult, I’ve had many dark days in business and personal areas of my life, and I have always overcome them by clinging to hope and remembering, It will not always be like this.
And if there is anything I would like you to take from this email is that: It will NOT always be like this. One year from now, or at some point in the future, you and I will look back on this time, learn from it and draw on it for wisdom, to help others.
A few years back I read The Obstacle Is The Way by Ryan Holiday. (Amazon link)
I read this book during one of the most trying times in my personal life as an adult and it helped me turn this one obstacle in my life into triumph for me and my family. I hope it does for you too.
Have you read this book? How did it help you? What was one story that you remember from this book that helped you feel like you could overcome?
What are you reading? Please send me your recommendation and a story on how a book helped you overcome.
Also, If you are a person of faith or curious about faith, you can watch daily Psalms from my church, Church Of The City at: Once on that page look for the black button that reads “Watch Now”. They are less than 10 minute videos and can help you if you are suffering from anxiety, fear, stress.
About 10 years old in this photo with my family on one of our many family trips across TX